20 Sep I worked for President Trump and saw what he can do. We all must do our part to help him win.
‘Duke’s magic is he coaxes out multiples of what you intended to contribute’...
‘Duke’s magic is he coaxes out multiples of what you intended to contribute’...
‘Duke’s magic is he coaxes out multiples of what you intended to contribute’...
“It has been an honor to serve in this position for more than three years, during which time we have accomplished so much together.”...
“In 2019 the United States and Spain added an important milestone in our economic relationship by updating the bilateral tax agreement to end double taxation for companies that operate in both countries.”...
“We ask Spain to take a leading role in the EU to improve these rights for Cubans, Venezuelans, and Nicaraguans. We ask Spain to prevent bolichicos from Venezuela and corrupt Nicaraguans and Cubans from escaping with their plunder to Europe. The international community can and...
“Cheap things turn out to be expensive, in 5G and in everything: the data flowing through those devices would come into the hands of the Chinese State.”...
“Thirty years ago today, in 1988, Spain and the United States signed our Agreement on Defense Cooperation. This agreement governs the presence of U.S. forces on Spanish bases, consolidating the naval base in Rota and the air base in Moron de la Frontera as critical...
“Confirmed by the Senate by Voice Vote.”...
“As a family we have a deep appreciation, respect and love for the Spanish people and culture. It is only surpassed by our love for the United States.”...
“Buchan brings formidable talents to the post and will represent the United States — and, of course, Vance County — well in this position.”...
“If he asked a question, he genuinely wanted to know the answer to understand, and he listened. […] His work ethic is exceeded by his intelligence. He still stays in touch with a lot of (local) people. He is not above Henderson and has not...
The White House announced its intent on Aug. 3 to nominate Duke Buchan III ’85 as Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain and the Principality of Andorra....
The Buchan Fund is one of the largest single endowments dedicated to support the study of Spanish languages, literature and culture....
A North Carolinian whose passions include Carolina basketball, Spanish literature and culture, and his farm where he grows 60 varieties of organic heirloom tomatoes....
“And this is who we are: the oldest and largest school within a top public research university educating men and women who will be leaders across the globe.”...
“The study of the Spanish language, literature and culture provided me a passport to a world outside of the United States and instilled in me a global perspective.”...
Carolina students taking Spanish can thank Duke Buchan III ’85, and his early obsession with the World Book Encyclopedia for innovative learning experiences that make the language more relevant than ever....
Growing up in rural North Carolina between two towns with fewer than 300 people combined, Duke Buchan dreamed big....
“My passion for investing and taking calculated risk started as a young boy playing cards with our family on Saturday nights. My parents reinforced family, integrity and hard work daily.”...